Sunday, April 10, 2011

Snap Snap

It's been a sewing day, culminating with the sewing of a snap bag. It's my first one and rather small. I wanted to try one and had some remnants of pre-quilted fabric so I used that. Now I want to make a larger one with handles. I'm not good with a bag that has no straps or handles. I'd walk off and leave the bag on a counter. Ellen Adams picked the Block of the Month for Triangle Guild and showed hers done in lavenders. The block is from It's named Scrappy Zig Zag. I made five in various pastel shades. It's looking like spring in the sewing room. And I didn't cut into any yardage. I just used small pieces in my baskets of small opposed to tiny scraps in a big bag.

Have any of you seen the pictures of the WalMart people that someone may have forwarded to you? I went to Wallyworld today and they were there. Twentyish man was seriously into blowing a whirlygig. Young boy riding a skateboard around the store, cutting off customers. And it got worse.

Do you have a favorite ruler? I have one that I swear by to make half square triangles. It's the Omnigrid Fons & Porter Half & Quarter Ruler. I can make those HSTs and they are the right shape. I just need to trim off one dog ear on each HST after I stitch. If I want a 3 1/2" HST I align the 2 strips of fabric, which I've cut 3 1/2" wide. Cut one triangle, flip the ruler and cut a second. There's just a little flat spot on one corner and two sharp corners instead of three sharp corners. I feed the flat spot under the needle first. The triangle doesn't get drawn down the black hole like so many triangles do.

Recently I replaced my 6" x 12" Omnigrid ruler as the corners were getting rounded off. I bought a 6" x 14" Omnigrip. The new ruler is a non slip ruler. Love it.

Time to go start the grill and do the first burgers of the season outside.




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