Disappearing Four Patch done in red and white and blue and white and set on point. Saw that in Alycia Quilts blog for Sept. A quilter sent that to Alycia for Quilts of Valor. Striking. Have to try making this block with white and a reads solid color.
Have to finish baking this morning, clean a bit, wrap last gifts for Bob's grandchildren. I was going to bake more last night but fell asleep in chair after I made four batches of cookies yesterday and did laundry. Got to make a quick run to grocery store for more kid friendly finger foods.
Dawn's four and her boyfriend Tom's two will be here around 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. today.
I forgot the last sheet of maraschino cherry cookies and they got a bit brown. (No, they got a lot brown.) So out the back door they went. I watched the crows picking them up and flying to the Quickway roof next door. Guess they had a tea party. One time I tossed some very hard bread out. Then I came up here to sew. Crows were flying to same roof and dipping bread in a puddle of water. I know guys, I'll toss bread to you quicker next time.
When I am at the computer in my quilt chat in morning, I've been printing old pictures to make an album for my brother. Some of those old pictures when we were kids really bring back memories.
One picture is of me and Prince, a shepherd/collie that Dad got from Grandpa Huntington. Prince went back over to Grandpa's house the day Mom came out the back door to find three or four year old Bruce laying on the ground and Prince was standing over him growling. We figured Bruce pulled his hair. Prince was a touchy dog. Great cow dog. Prince and I got along but little kids weren't his thing.
Have a great day, try to sit down and relax a few minutes while you are in the midst of preparing for Christmas.