Lazy Saturday
Caleb is in his pajamas and ready to be tucked in bed when he gets home. That's Jeremy and Becki with him and Great Aunt Mickey in background. Caleb looks like his Dad and Mom.
Mickey and Jack cooked my birthday dinner of lasagna and a big green salad. Delicious.
We also had a great surprise. Jeremy appeared without an orthopedic boot on his foot and walking without crutches. He's going to PT to get back use of muscles and tendons that have been idle for many weeks. He's gone back to work since the surgery in early November.
I've been working on my Jacob's Ladder this past week and have just six blocks to sew together. I'm looking thru my stash for an orangey red for the border and binding. Or do I want a brownish red. I'll know it when I see it. I do need to cut more 4 1/2" blocks of lights to make the outside border. The corners are 4 patches and an HST block on each side. I'm going to enjoy this quilt on my bed. It will be 84" x 84" when completed.
To date my favorite bed quilt is the Nickel Brick that I've been using since last summer. The black borders on each side of the 3" x 5" scrappy pieces set off the various blocks so well. I just love looking at it. When I change the sheets I rotate the quilt a quarter turn so I see something different each time.
Do you remember having quilts on your bed when you were small. We did. Many were in blacks, browns and pale tones. I remember following a color in a 4 patch or 9 patch with my fingers to see where they went in diagonal lines. Our quilts were old ones but in good condition. I think they might have come from my Great Aunt Cin's house after her death. She was Lucinda Gaylord English and lived in Whitney Point on Main Street. Uncle Harry told me she was a tailor and dressmaker.
Martha O'Keefe from Chenango Piecemakers Guild told us she was put down for an afternoon nap and not wanting to sleep, she checked out the ties on the quilts. If she could find a loose one, out it came.
Time to start my machine and get those six blocks done. Then to arrange the blocks and sew them together.
It will soon be NASCAR season in about three weeks. Hand sewing time when that starts. Good time to do bindings.